Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Laugh... Just Laugh!

Today was one of those days that you look back and think, "What in the world happened?" Somethings happened this morning that will be left untold. Let's just say I am thankful to the Lord for his protection!

Today was supposed to be an organized day, productive with grocery shopping. Well, it just didn't happen.The goal was to leave around 10:00a.m. but there were many things that prevented it. I looked out the window this morning thinking it was going to be a nice warm day again. So the kids had been dressed according to my weather prediction. I walked out the door and realized it was too windy for t-shirts and flip flops. So I went back in and changed the kids.
Then I get the girls in the car and realize Noah has no shoes on. So we search the house high and low with no luck. Since the other easy slip on shoes have dog poo on them, or knowing our neighborhood it is probably cat poo, we retreat to the cowboy boots. But who wants to wear a shark t-shirt and cowboy boots? So we grab a navy blue polo and out the door we run.
It is 11:00 now and I know that the kids are not going to last through our hour and a half grocery run between Publix and WalMart. So I decide to head to the nearest fast food joint. Zaxby's was the winner, and my mom and sister joined me. It was fun hanging out with all the kiddos, and we beat the rush hour lunch traffic. I began thinking to myself," This might be a nice and productive day after all." Then it was time to head out to the car. I fumbled for my keys looking desperately in the diaper bag. PLEASE NO! I head out to the van with the 15mph wind blowing my wavy hair straight, and there the keys were, sitting in the chair in the back of the van. And guess what? We have no spare key! None. Natta. Zero!
My sister gave me a look as if she was thinking to herself, "Whose the blonde now!?!" Stupid, I know. But the mistake had been made, and now I needed to figure out how to get into my car. My sister pulls some family in-law strings, and they tell us a cop will be there soon. Meanwhile, all of my kids are hanging out in my mom's SUV. Myah says she has to go potty, so we head back into Zackbys, kill a tree (lots of tissue paper on the toilet for my girl's princess hiny to sit on) and head back out to the car. Noah says he has to go the bathroom, so we head back into Zaxbys (but spare another tree... thank the Lord).
Noah and I return back to the car, and my mom informs me, " Myah went #2 in her underwear." WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I just took her to the bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure enough, my newly potty trained girl had PEEUED in her underwear! Yes, I said PEEUED! It stunk ,and I was SO not happy that I had to climb in the back of my mom's car, with no windows cracked for fresh air, and change my girl's poo filled underwear!!! Thankfully my mom had a spare grocery bag in the car and I threw it away, underwear and all, into the Zaxbys outside trash can. I'm sure whoever had to dump it this evening had some unpleasant words for me. Whoops!
The cop arrives and saves me from any more natural disasters. We get back in the car, Leah is screaming for a bottle, and I decided to postpone the grocery shopping due to the fact that it was now nap time. My mom and sister screech out of the parking lot, o.k. maybe not that fast but it sure seemed like it, and I realize that while going through the diaper bag to search for the keys, my wallet, and Leah's formula are in my mom's car. I grab my phone to ask my mom to come back, but the battery just died. No signal. Natta. Zero!
Which leaves me with only one thing left to do, I drive all the way to my mom's house on the other side of town to retrieve the formula for my screaming baby, and my wallet, in case any cop pulled me over for a DUI (driving under the influence of stupidity that is!).
We had now added another thirty minutes to our agonizing day and thankfully the kids were easy going in taking their naps. I called my husband to inform him of our obstacle filled day and he says," Baby! You need to get back into the bed and start your day all over!" I couldn't agree more, but my afternoon needed to be spent in preparing for our early dinner so that I could head back out to tackle the defeated grocery shopping journey.
So after dinner, we all left to grocery shop. We all went in WalMart, and I bought duplicates so as to not have to go back for awhile. And then I was able to go in Publix ALL BY MYSELF, but the sad thing is that I was too tired to enjoy it!
I must say that I managed NOT to scream at anyone today and kept my cool!

I hope your day was better than mine! And I hope that you can laugh at me... I mean with me!!!


  1. OH my friend. Calgon, take her away! But you kept your cool and that's major!

  2. i am so sorry but i am laughing my head off.
    WOW! what a day.
    i certainly hope today is better for you. i don't think i could have handled the situation with such patience as you!

  3. I totally relate to throwing the whole bag away, in the face of catastrophic moments like that and Shannon has said " are you really going to throw the underwear away?" My response do you want to do the scraping? They come 4 pair in a pack for 6 bucks. it's totally worth it. And so a few pair of thomas and diego underwear have ended their life early in the trash can:)

  4. Bless your heart, sweet friend, BLESS YOUR HEART. Thank you for allowing us to laugh with you, and hoping that your day today was MUCH better than yesterday. Glory! And like Whit said, I know that you handled it with way more grace than I would have!
